

GEOÁREA has the following set of field and laboratory equipments, enabling the execution of geotechnical and geophysical surveys as well as the appropriate laboratory tests.

- 4 Garmin hand GPS;
- 2 Leica laser distance meters Leica;
- 2 Seistronix seismographers (RAS24);
- 1 Zond-E GPR (antennae air-coupled 38-75-150 MHz and ground-coupled 500MHz);
- 1 LG Lippmann resistivimeter with 80 electrodes;
- 1 Dynamic Probing (Light);
- 4 Schmidt hammers;
- 1 Point load.
- 1 Thermal resistivimeter
- 1 Light weight deflectometer (LWD)
- 1 Super-Heavy weight Penetrometer (DPSH)

Fieldwork is supported by the following means of transport:

- 5 allroad vehicles;
- 3 passenger vehicles.